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Warrington Women's Aid provide temporary accommodation and advice to people in the community and families in our refuge as well as training and informing to other professionals.


As part of the Women's Aid Federation England (WAFE) we take part in national campaigns to raise awareness of Domestic Abuse within the community.  We represent at conferences, workplaces and partnerships and boards.

Resources and Links


Telephone support


Warrington Women's Aid - 01925 417138 (Monday to Friday 9-5)


National Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0800 2000247



Digital Support


Warrington Women's AidMessage us through the contact button below and we can call you or email you back


Women's Aid Federation


Warrington Borough Council



Safety Planning


You may not be able to leave your situation at the moment, but there are some things that you can do until such time when you can, this is called Safety Planning.  There are a few organisations that have prepared guides specifically for survivors during the COVID-19 situation.  Read more on the links below:


Please note, these pages open in a new window.  If you are concerned about your browsing history, make sure you close all windows. Read about removing your browsing history.


Women's Aid Federation COVID-19 pages


Women's Aid Safety Planning Handbook 


Open The Door Cheshire


Chayn - a website for survivors

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